Pitcher Partners
2 opportunities

Bachelor of Accounting, Analyst
Self introduction
Maggie joined Pitcher Partners Melbourne as a Graduate in 2021 and has recently graduated the program. Maggie’s first experience (rotation) was in the Business Advisory & Assurance team, where she gained a passion for audit work. To diversify her experience, Maggie completed her second experience within the Investment Advisory team, which Maggie said gave her a “better understanding of how the work we do can impact clients and see how different business work”. Knowing that audit was where she wanted to be, Maggie returned to the Business Assurance & Advisory team for her final experience, and is now working as an experienced analyst within the audit team.
Why did you apply for Pitcher Partners?
Maggie was drawn to the firm’s reputation for career progression and a supportive culture. “The first thing that stood out to me was the clear multiculturalism and how important diversity was to the firm. It really made me feel that I, as a multicultural individual, would be supported in my career.”
What support did you receive during the program?
“My senior managers and buddy have really taken the time to mentor me and make sure I understand as I am learning and provided me with a lot of guidance, suggesting specific areas of training and highlighting potential learning opportunities for me.” Maggie took advantage of the firms’ study support by completing her Chartered Tax Advisor (CTA1) in her first year as a graduate, and is currently completing the Chartered Accounting qualification.

Bachelor of Commerce & Bachelor of Laws
What was your experience in the Summer Vacation Program like?
"Working at Pitcher Partners has been great as you are able to integrate into a group over a short period of time and the work I have completed has had a direct impact on a client's outcome. Each person's experience is unique, and the firm provides support in helping you create your own journey, even as a Vacationer. With open communication valued and sought for by all the managers, I was able to lay out my intentions for the program in an extensive framework, and work with my manager to achieve my goals over the course of the program".